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- // ********************************************************************* //
- 3d
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- 3D.EXE - This is a 3d Demo Program that is similar in concept to
- games like doom.
- - Written using Watcom Version 10.6
- - More than 5000 lines of C.
- - Approximately 100 lines of Assembly.
- - 90 degree Field of View
- - Region Lighting/Shading
- - Distance Lighting/Shading
- - Lookup/LookDown
- - Jump/Squat
- - Fire/Shooting
- - Multi-Level Floors/Ceilings
- - Non-Orthagonal Walls
- - 320X200 Resolution (Mode 0x13h)
- - VESA Resolutions (640X400, 640X480, 800X600, 1024X768)
- - Multi-Player Support (IPX Network compatible only)
- - Animating Objects
- - Command Line Editor
- UP - Moves Up
- Down - Moves Down
- Left - Turns Left
- Right - Turns Right
- Alt-Left - Strafe Left
- Alt-Right - Strafe Right
- Shift - Run Key
- Space - Fire button
- A - Jump
- Z - Squat
- +/- - Resize window
- F1 - Resets the Frame rate counter
- F2 - Toggles Level WireFrame
- F3 - Restarts the level
- F4 - Toggles Display of current network connections
- F5 - Toggles Gravity
- F6 - Toggles display of wall textures
- F10 - Turns Command Line On
- F11 - Turns Command Line Off
- F12 - VGA256 320X200 switch
- 1.. - Allows server to play multiple players(Network Only)
- n - allows the server to spawn a 'n'ew player(Network Only)
- c - Chat(Network Only)
- // ********************************************************************* //
- ipt.exe - This executeable interfaces with the 3d.exe program to allow
- Multiple players in a single environment. (IPX environment required)
- - Written using Watcom Version 10.6
- - Approximately 1000 lines of C
- - Approximately 100 lines of Assembly.
- // ********************************************************************* //
- - The command line is used for entering commands to edit the 3d world.
- The following is a list of currently active commands:
- er - Edit Region. This allows the region properties to be edited.
- Floor Height
- Ceiling Height
- Floor Color
- Ceiling Color
- Region Lighting
- sr - Saves Regions. This allows for all the regions to be saved.
- ew - Edit Wall. This allows the wall properties to be edited.
- Upper Wall Texture
- Lower Wall Texture
- Middle Wall Texture
- sw - Save Walls. This allows for all the wall properties to be saved.
- dl - Distance Lighting. This allows for the distance lighting to be turned
- on and off.(Used in Debuging)
- rfc - Remove Floors and Ceilings. This allows for the floor and ceiling
- colors to be turned on and off. (Used in Debuging)
- \
- Lite.Pal - Shading Color Pallete Used.
- 3d.exe - 3d Program.
- Ipt.exe - Ipx Transfer Program.
- Name.ini - Name of player when using Ipt.
- Alpha.pcx - Alphabet Characters
- \PCX
- *.pcx - Texture and Object bitmaps
- region.dat - Information associated with the regions.
- wall.dat - Information associated with the walls.
- startup.dat - Information associated with player initialization.
- Object.dat - Information associated with the static Objects.
- Author:
- Curt Lowry
- Rochester Hills, Mi
- clowry01@msn.com